Header id for sticky menu

ismaelte's picture
Fri, 12/16/2016 - 20:19
Header id for sticky menu

Hi Guys .. I added sticky Nav module, because i want header to be sticky  and I need to add and id to header, so i can add it to this module
as selector in Use jquery format, Is this only an ID?   ( because as far as i can check)
I could not find one, so, in which template i can do that?

Thanks in advance

phuonght's picture
Fri, 12/16/2016 - 21:42


You can please customize all files in sites\all\themes\md_orenmode\template\pages

ismaelte's picture
Sat, 12/17/2016 - 11:15

But could you please tell me where i can customize header div? i only need to put and ID .. Please help

phuonght's picture
Sun, 12/18/2016 - 21:16

Please find code

<header class="header <?php print theme_get_setting('layout_type','md_orenmode'); ?>">

and add ID.

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 12/19/2016 - 17:03

Could you please tell me the name of the specific template which i can found header? or i need to look at any template?

Please help

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 12/19/2016 - 18:22

Hi added to page--front.tpl.php

<header class="header <?php print theme_get_setting('layout_type','md_orenmode'); ?>" >

And is not working....
I added this id to this other tag,
<div id="sticky-header" class="container" class="header">
sticky works but without a black background, please help...
For details please check the following image

Image title

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 12/19/2016 - 18:24

Sorry this is correct html line where i added the id and sticky works but wihout black background

<div id="sticky-header" class="container">

ismaelte's picture
Wed, 01/04/2017 - 19:56

any help please here? any feedback?

khoa's picture
Wed, 01/04/2017 - 22:39


Please give me your website link.

Thank you!

ismaelte's picture
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 02:33


Thanks in advance

khoa's picture
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 19:52

Hi Ismaelte,

I went to your website and when I scroll down I don't see your main menu displaying at the top of screen like in this picture http://files.megadrupal.com/forum/3464/sticky.png.

Did I miss something or you removed that feature?


ismaelte's picture
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 22:36

Hi... yeah i deleted the id, but now i added again here, so yoy can check the behaviour...

<header  class="header <?php print theme_get_setting('layout_type','md_orenmode'); ?>" >
<div id="sticky-header" class="container">    

Please let me know if you can check it today, as here in Mexico at nite this do no affect alot amount of users.

Thanks in advance for your help


khoa's picture
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 03:52


Please add this code to your CSS file:

.stickynav-active {   width: 100% !important;   background-color: #000;}

However, I don't know why you add container class to #sticky-header?

Thank you!

ismaelte's picture
Sat, 01/21/2017 - 10:45

Thanks a lot guys your support is amazing....

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