Import demo data in multisite drupal

adrianAMR's picture
Wed, 12/07/2016 - 03:33
Import demo data in multisite drupal


I'm triying to install this theme in a multisite drupal, but i can't import the demo theme. 

I follow this steps:

1- Upload the file and install the theme.

2- Upload the archive and install the modules

3- Import manually the file mdavendor.sql and copy all the content of /profile.

But doesn't work...

Is there any way to import the demo in a multisite? How can do this?

Can I install the in a multisite directly?

Best regards

phuonght's picture
Wed, 12/07/2016 - 22:51


 Install profile is install in single site but not multi sites. If you would like to install multil site so you need to install profile first then set multil profile later.
You can also export database after installing profile to install manual.
Also, please remember that your purchase code is Regular License which is only used for one site.

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