I am trying to modify the social media links at structure>blocks>Structure social . As soon as I make a change to the link, the icons disappear where they are supposed to be located and the following error appears. The website is being built at http://www.azikelgroup.after-hours-marketing.com/ At this point I have made no other changes than install the demo profile. I even deleted and reinstalled to see if that would make a difference.
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in include() (line 10 of /home4/enderkj/public_html/azikelgroup/sites/all/modules/custom/md_theme/templates/social.tpl.php)
Please add the key of the theme into your account page http://megadrupal.com/user/kjohnson first
Ok, I did
Please go to admin/structure/block/manage/md_theme/footer/configure and update social icon.
Thank You. That worked. I thought I could just change the link, but evidently you have to repick the icon and change the link at the same time. This is a little unintuitive, but it works. Thanks.