Hello, first of all congratulations for this great piece of software! :)
I just installed it on a dev-site (Drupal 7), but i have a little problem on slides manual change (using bullets or arrows): the loading bar (and slide’s timing, also) keeps going on instead of start back from 0 (as in your demos)...
Thanks in advance!
Please send us your site here so that we can take a look at your problem
Hi, here is my dev site: (hide)
Hey, I just checked your site. When view site code I saw this call twice:
This make error happend. Please check your theme if scripts variable is print right.
Hello Neo and thanks for your help!
I just found the problem, it was a function in my template.php. Commented out and now it works like a sharm!
I paste here the incriminated function, hope to help if someone will encounter a similar problem:
function THEME_preprocess_block(&$vars, $hook) {
// Add a striping class.
$vars['classes_array'][] = 'block-' . $vars['block_zebra'];
// Add first/last block classes
$first_last = "";
// If block id (count) is 1, it's first in region.
if ($vars['block_id'] == '1') {
$first_last = "first";
$vars['classes_array'][] = $first_last;
// Count amount of blocks about to be rendered in that region.
$block_count = count(block_list($vars['elements']['#block']->region));
if ($vars['block_id'] == $block_count) {
$first_last = "last";
$vars['classes_array'][] = $first_last;