Undefined function media_browser_js() in simplr_page_builder.module

miklosgeyer's picture
Thu, 11/10/2016 - 12:19
Undefined function media_browser_js() in simplr_page_builder.module

Hi Cindy,

We purchased Alpine theme for drupal on 17 Jun 2015

Our current drupal version is 7.51 including Media Module (version:7.x-2.0-beta2). The  Simplr Page Builder Module has the version 7.x-1.0, MD FullScreen Slider version 7.x-2.4

After Sign-In we got following error Message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in [...]sites\all\modules\simplr_page_builder\simplr_page_builder.module on line 404

Is there any update module to fix this problem?
Thanks and Cheers

cindy's picture
Thu, 11/10/2016 - 21:15


It seems that you have not updated the theme for a long time

Our MD Alpine now does not use Simplr Page Builder anymore. We now use MD AWEContent to build this theme

Please go to your account page http://megadrupal.com/user/miklosgeyer to download and update the theme as well as all required modules 

miklosgeyer's picture
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 11:44


thanks for your answer. After upgrading the system - MD Alpine Theme 7.x-3.0 including all the modules and MD AWEContent 7.x-1.4 we got following challenges:

1. In the updated MD Alpine Theme Design -> Design The Parallax configuration section is completly missing. How can we migrate all the existing (old) Parallax content into the  AWEContent in a simple way?

2. All regions from parallax_one to parallax_seven as well as region pricing, region team and so on are disabled after upgrading. So we added those regions manuelly into the md_alpine.info. Now these regions are visible in the structure -> blocks again, but is it the right way to migrate the system (Alpin 7.x-2.7 to 7.x-3.0)?

3. We enabled AWEContent for every content type (set #page-wrapper as Page wrapper element just like in the old system). In Struktur -> MD FullScreenSliders there is an existing FullScreen Slider which has been included into the header region correctly. But we can still not recover the old starting page.

Can you give us some suggestions?

phuonght's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 04:45


Simplr Page Builder and Awecontent are 2 different modules that can not be used at the same time in a site. Also, when updating Alpine theme version 3.0, to make it compatible with Awecontent, we remove some functions from version 2.7 so you need to change most of your work if you update theme to version 3.0. We understand that it will take you long time however our module Awecontent has more new functions that help you build site easier. 

To know how to use Awecontent: you can please take a look at documentation enclosed to package.

miklosgeyer's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 05:51

thanks for your answer.

just for our understanding, you mean it is NOT possible to migrate any existing content built by Simplr Page Builder to Awecontent, we have to rebuild the page from the scrach. Is it right?

The Question is if there is a simple way like a small pitch (for Simplr Page Builder) to get ride of the Error Message (see Message #1 above) without system upgrade?

cindy's picture
Wed, 11/16/2016 - 04:23


1. just for our understanding, you mean it is NOT possible to migrate any existing content built by Simplr Page Builder to Awecontent, we have to rebuild the page from the scrach. Is it right?
=> Yes. Because these are 2 different modules
2. The Question is if there is a simple way like a small pitch (for Simplr Page Builder) to get ride of the Error Message (see Message #1 above) without system upgrade?
=> Please download and install the module I sent to you via your email

miklosgeyer's picture
Wed, 11/16/2016 - 05:33

Hi Cindy,

thank you for your email. Works well, great!

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