How to configure paypal module to accept other default concurrency

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 10/31/2016 - 18:48
How to configure paypal module to accept other default concurrency

Hi.. I installed paypal module in order accept paypal and its working fine  i need to know:

1- In
on default currencies I need to accept MXN Mexican pesos instead of USD,  how can i add this currency?
2- All my site is spanish, and i need to translate all payment process pages to spanish but i did not find the way
to do it... could you please help?

khoa's picture
Tue, 11/01/2016 - 18:00


1- Please go to admin/commerce/config/currency and select the default currency as MXN.

2- Please go to, then download the Spanish package and import into your website. You can see the tutorial here:


ismaelte's picture
Wed, 11/02/2016 - 10:52

Should I need to download and upgrade all of the following modules, like in the video tutorial?
Drupal 7.5
variable??? and follow the video? 

and doing this all cart and payment process from drupal commerce and paypal module would be translate as well? or i have to do something else?

Please help. 

phuonght's picture
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 00:29

Please upgrade module/core highlighted with red color. You can take a look at: /demo/admin/reports/updates. Also, remember to backup source code and database before doing anything.

In case you imported Spanish packgage but there is still a string which can not be translated, please create a file .po and translate by yourself or use module

ismaelte's picture
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 19:38

So with that I will have all orenmode paymente process automatically translated? and also paypal commerce module translated?

phuonght's picture
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 22:52

Please import language package and work. It will translate majority of site. The remaining ones, you can use solutions at our comment #4. 

ismaelte's picture
Sun, 11/06/2016 - 20:52

Hi... I did everything on comment 4 but in payment process of drupal commerce there still a lot on words in english. I also installed string overrides but is not working... please help.. and how i can create a .po file?

ismaelte's picture
Sun, 11/06/2016 - 20:57

How can i modify the text thar are not in t function? do i have to look for them manually in templates?

phuonght's picture
Sun, 11/06/2016 - 22:40

Please take a look at below file language.po for example then continue translation. Note: msgid: English text, msgstr: Spanish text.

+ Text must be wrapped with t function. We can not translate any text without t  function.

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 11/07/2016 - 11:17

I opened .Po file and I will add entries there to be translated and where do I have to upload that .po file?
And I have an issue..... that is not affecting all my products view... after update an install: i18n-7.x-1.14, variable-7.x-2.5., l10n_update-7.x-1.1.,ctools-7.x-1.11, stringoverrides-7.x-1.8  All products views in all the site are NOT WORKING (Please check attached image)...  I checked and i have some errors in some modules, please chec image...

One of those error is: 

Color Field (jquery simple color) Missing
The jquery simple color library isn't available so this Color Field Module will not support the jQuery Simple Color widget. Please download the plugin (1.2.1) from

 I already downlad it but I dont where to upload jQuery Simple Color widget.

And the second error is:

Flag Translation helpers module not found.
To have the flag module work with translations, you need to install and enable the Translation helpers module.

 I already downlad it but I dont where to upload this module.... 

Image title


Image title

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 11/07/2016 - 12:04

I install and configure translations helpers so do you think the issue is related  jQuery Simple Color widget.??

I dont know what to do... I have a backup but i think all my translations will be lost...

phuonght's picture
Mon, 11/07/2016 - 22:21

We checked and could see error appeared while updating module. Please

1. run update.php to update database.

2. if error can not be solved, you need to restore backup then we will help you update modules.

ismaelte's picture
Mon, 11/07/2016 - 23:09

I ran a restore and now is running fine.. thanks a lot for your response.

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