Issue with TPL

skamamu's picture
Tue, 09/20/2016 - 19:05
Issue with TPL

Good afternoon, I have a issue since some days ago.. the system report the image error.

What can I do?

Image title

I have another question. I love the theme but I dont want to use the booking system.. could you tell me how can I remove this section of the theme?? and just use the button to redirect to contact form??


Image title

Aditional I have another issue.. when adding content Unit Description.. ever I try to select a image appear this error

Image title

phuonght's picture
Tue, 09/20/2016 - 23:50


1 - Image error:

Please update to sites/all/themes/md_hillter/templates/node.

2 - Remove booking section:

It can be removed or customized in node--unit-description.tpl.php also.

3 - Error when adding content:

Please replace module media in sites/all/modules/contrib with module

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