our tries:
1. in backend https://www.edelmann-travel-agency.com/admin/appearance/settings/md_hillter we added http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat | no change
2. we installed module @font-your-face, enabled all montserrat fonts | no change
The fonts are not loaded through google API, and theme is not reading @import. The theme itself came with every font nessary. Acoording to ssl error fonts are hind and monteserat. if you check with webpage it will not show up properly. Font looks like default times roman.
Please open file style.css(sites\all\themes\md_hillter\css\front), at the first line, remove "http:".
we changed to @import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Hind:400,300,500,600|Montserrat:400,700);
No change
We fixed. Please check.
Because your site is https protocol so all http in site need to be changed to https.
Please let me know WHERE are the links referring to http
Porblem solved with http links.