Diffrent fonts shown when creating blog posts

David Franken's picture
David Franken
Sat, 08/20/2016 - 16:17
Diffrent fonts shown when creating blog posts


I noticed that the font size is somewhat different when i compare it for earlier posts.

For example this one; the font is a little bit bigger:


compared to this post; here the font is smaller:


When i view the source code; i see that no font is defined or size directly related to the text

What i do notice is that from the second link; i see that something is written regarding font-size: 0.9em in the CSS (viewed the source with Firefox (F12) and inspected the ellement; i noticed this part.

I couldnt find this element written somewhere in the CSS for the first post.

I normally added the content by choosing add content -> blog ; from there is started.

Thanks again for looking!



phuonght's picture
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 23:29


You can please fixed this problem by going to file css (md_chulan/css/front/style.css), line 116, remove

font-size: 0.9em

David Franken's picture
David Franken
Tue, 08/23/2016 - 07:37

Hi Phuonght,

The thing i want is that all my blog posts have the same font size; like i said earlier; i noticed that some posts have this font-size: 0.9em setting set, and other don't. I want to have that all my blog posts have font-size: 0.9em.

Hope this helps :)




David Franken's picture
David Franken
Tue, 08/23/2016 - 08:40


I think i figured it out; i noticed when debugging the 2 different blog posts; that the correct showed one, begins with a Paragraph section.

The one that is not correctly showed begins with a DIV section. 

The Paragraph section has a style.css section for the font size, meanwhile the DIV does not this.

with the DIV container

With DIV container

Image title

With Paragraph

Image title

After setting Paragraph, it is resolved :)

Or you have maybe a better solution for this so that is it always set to 0.9em for blog posts, regardless of DIV or <P> ?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 08/24/2016 - 22:43

We think you can try to wrap Div with Div Class="Post". This can make most of nodes having same font size but does not work with content node. because in edit node, content nodes can be set to different values so some node will have different fonts or fonts size base one default CSS of theme. 

David Franken's picture
David Franken
Thu, 08/25/2016 - 05:47

great! will try that one.

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