thumbnails on slider not visible

sumg's picture
Mon, 06/02/2014 - 10:25
thumbnails on slider not visible

Hello, I have recently purchased Mega Slider and am in the process of getting it configured. I have run into a small issue. We want to have the thumbnails visible on the page, not when the visitor hovers over the bullet points.

I have uploaded my photos and unchecked "show bullets" and made sure that "show thumbnails" is checked. When I view the slider, however, only one thumbnail appears. Looking at Firebug or Chrome dev tools reveals that the thumbnail images are there in the code, however, they are stacked vertically and somehow not being rendered.

Any fix for this? Or am I missing a configuration option somewhere?  Also, once I get them to show properly, how do I add a border to the thumbs, like in the demo seen here:

cindy's picture
Tue, 06/03/2014 - 07:05

We check MD Slider, we also create a new slider but all the thumbnails display correctly without any errors.
So, please send us your site here so that we can take a look at your thumbnail problem and create a detail and specified style css code to make the border for thumbnail images.

Cheer !


sumg's picture
Wed, 06/04/2014 - 07:20

Hello cindy, thanks for getting back to me. You can see the problem here.  Notice that I have 3 sliders transitioning but the thumbnail only shows up for the first one.  Again, looking at Chrome dev tools shows in the source code that the thumbs are there, they are just not being rendered for some reason.

This problem happens in both my development environment and live environment.  I have also used both the 7.x - 1.x branch of Media module and the 7.x - 2x branch of File Entity and Media and it seemed to make no difference.

Your help is appreciated.

cindy's picture
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 01:27

Hey !
- Both of thumnail and border problem can be solved by adding this following code at the bottom of the md-slider.css file.
To change border color as you want , you can change color code in the attribute "border-color"

.md-thumb-items .md-thumb-item {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
border-width: 3px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #F00;
.md-thumb img {
margin: 0;
overflow: visible ;

Cheer , Cindy !

sumg's picture
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 07:39

That works perfect! Thank you!

bradwaye's picture
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 15:04

I cannot get the thumbnails to load. The path shows correctly but the image will not display.

cindy's picture
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 23:18

Hi Bradwaye,

Did you try the solution above?
If you can not resolve the problem, please send us your site's url, admin account as well as ftp account to [email protected] (also this forum link)
We will support you


stevehart808's picture
Mon, 12/08/2014 - 15:27

I'm also having an issue with thumbnails. I've emailed [email protected] and I'm hoping for a quick reply.

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