AWEContent - New Google Map Style

antoniodltm's picture
Sun, 05/15/2016 - 11:51
AWEContent - New Google Map Style


I want to add or change the google map style with a new style that I created. I open the awecontent-gmap-item.js file and changed the 3er style with my json code. When I'm editing the awecontent and choose the new style, I can see the new style without any problem; perfect! But when I save all changes, and I reload the frontpage, the style shown is the old one. I cleaned the cache multiple times, through drupal admin panel and with drush, but the old style still appears.

What can I do?

The old style:

Image title

The new style:

Image title

My json code:

style3: [{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{ "color": "#ef4484" },{ "saturation": -12 }]},{"featureType": "landscape","stylers": [{ "saturation": 7 },{ "visibility": "on" },{ "color": "#f2f4f2" },{ "lightness": 4 },{ "hue": "#ff0000" }]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{ "visibility": "on" },{ "color": "#e20583" }]},{"featureType": "water","stylers": [{ "visibility": "on" },{ "color": "#808080" },{ "lightness": 62 }]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.icon","stylers": [{ "color": "#808080" },{ "visibility": "off" }]}],


phuonght's picture
Sun, 05/15/2016 - 22:18


Please customize file file md_awecontent/js/awe-frontend-scripts.js also. 

antoniodltm's picture
Tue, 05/17/2016 - 12:57

Great! Excellent job!

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