I'm very impressed with this template. I use the one-page version. I'd prefer using pure HTML instead of awecontent. When I disable awecontent and copy the necessary HTML source code from my drupal website to the editor in Drupal, this method just doesn't work. This way I just get an ugly site with mostly nothing just some text. How can I customize this template using HTML and CSS without AweContent?
We highly recommend you do not use pure HTML instead of Awecontent because Awecontent has own following and it makes user easier to bulid site. However if you would like, you can can view page source and check files js, css which have path md_awecontent/css or md_awecontent/js then copy to your theme. Also there is an CSS code inline as below image:
please copy it to your file CSS.
After that, you need to add css, js to your theme.
I'm quite confused but I really want to make this work because I'm new to Drupal and I only have experience in pure HTML. I tried AWEcontent for several hours and I was unable to customize my website in a way I wanted. What do you mean by copying the .css and .js files to my theme (which is the Avendor)? From which to which folder should I copy them? And please could you write me the exact source code here which I can copy and paste to drupal to get the same "One page" as in your demo content? I'm not totally sure about the beginning and the end of the codes.
Hi Gary,
Do you mean using pure HTML, JS and Css to build a static Html page, NOT a functional Drupal page?
Hi Cindy,
Not exactly. I need drupal because I want to run a blog too. But I want to use HTML in drupal because with AWEContent I cannot customize my index page the way I want. When I bough this theme I thought that AWEContent is just an option and I can use the theme without it.