Hi, I have a trouble with Safary as when I resize the browser's window, at times the screen becomes almost all black (only when the Mega Slider module is working) and the browser freezes until I resize again the window or I make a mouse rollover. I've also found some issues (again only with Safari) when the slider works with the Superfish module (some of the links in the menu are not visible). Can anybody please give me an hand?
None have an idea? I noticed that the "black screen" problem is present only with Safari for Windows, with Mac OS there are no big troubles.
We check again the mega slider on Safari for window. It is still working fine.
Can you send us your site and some screenshots of your problem?
Hi Cindy,
thanks for your reply. You can see our site on http://test53.openview.it/it
I also add three links to the screenshots:
- one for Chrome (where everything works fine) http://www.openview.it/uploads/assets//immagini_temporanee/chrome.jpg
- one for Safari, to show the "resize window" problem http://www.openview.it/uploads/assets//immagini_temporanee/safari_resize...
- another one for Safari, to show the "hidden links" problem with the Superfish menu http://www.openview.it/uploads/assets//immagini_temporanee/safari_menu_t...
Thanks for helping me,
We check your site and there is still no problem with safari.
Could you export your site and send us via [email protected] so that we can check your issue