On Android, Samsung mobile phone for instance the shopping cart Add to cart button is not showing. Image click is working op iPhone or desktop, but not on Android.
The website is www.ff-vital.com (under construction.
Please let me know what to do.
We checked your site but could not see any Add to cart button. Could you send us some screenshots or point out where it is?
Hi Phuonght,
When you go to: http://ff-vital.com/?q=forcefactory-online-cursus-blijvend-afvallen-voor...
You see the green button, when you click you come on this page.
You see the blue left column with add to cart and add to wishlist. This is not visible and the product image cannot be clicked on Android phones.
This can in other phones and desktop or ipad applications.
Please let me know what this issue is.
Ed Boon
Please go to file md_make.css sites\all\themes\md_make\css, at the end of file, insert following code:
Hi Phuonght,
I have placed the code in the css and tested on an Android tablet, but the product image cannot be clicked on Android to order the product.
See screenshot. Android sees only the image but cannot click. On desktop, iPad, IPhone and Windows Phone it works but not on Android.
The blue sidebar is not visible.
Please let me know a.s.a.p.
Ed Boon
Please send us your FTP account so we can have a check.
We fixed already. Check site please.
Thanks, works on tablet.
Now my client will test it.
Hi Phuonght,
Just another similar issue on mobile. In this page http://www.ff-vital.com/node/187 the slideshow images are not visible on mobile.
See screenshot preview from page.
Ed Boon
Hi Phuonght,
The view on Android is working, but is it possible to use a shoppingcart icon instead of the 3 dashes in the menu on mobile.
If so I can change it there, in which code you have changed this.
Please let me know.
Ed Boon
Images problem: we fixed, check your site please. Note: remember to clear cache browser.
About using shoppingcart icon instead of 3 dashes: could you describe your idea by detail? Please try to customize CSS code to add icon.
HI Phuonght,
I want to show a shoppingcartsymbol in stead of the 3 dashes, how can I change the icon there from the fontello database.
Please let me know.
Hi phuonght,
Just one question about changing the css in appearance. I will change the menu items style, but it will not save. Also not when I clear the cache.
What could this be.
Ed Boon
It seems you changed icon by yourself. We recommend you to add some CSS then it can work and display nice, for example: when hovering on icon, it will show shop list.
In your custom CSS, we can not recognize which is for menu. If you would like to customize color, so you can find some options in tab Design. Or if you would like to cusomize other functions so you need to set class in right order following default CSS code because it will override.