Unable to use "Start Animation" and "Stop Animation" features.

spolaorso's picture
Wed, 05/14/2014 - 21:26
Unable to use "Start Animation" and "Stop Animation" features.

We do not know whether the setting or whatelse are affecting this issue, but we are not able to use these features.
If we set both with "none" effect, it will work, but if we set both or even one of the two with some effect the objects (whether is immage or text) will not appear on the stage.
Any help will be appreciated.

cindy's picture
Wed, 05/14/2014 - 23:13

Firstly, thanks for your concern in our product
Please send us your site as well as admin account via [email protected] so that we can check your problem
(also this support link)

spolaorso's picture
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 13:30

I will prepare a fake site! With a flat drupal core with no module.
I will load all the stuff, and check if is working.
You know, there might be some conflict with other preexisting module.
And then I will give you the credential in order to login.

Meanwhile do you know whether anybody else experienced my problem?

swebmas's picture
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 08:25

I couldn't change the time in the text area but it's working by moving the timeline.

spolaorso's picture
Thu, 05/22/2014 - 09:07

I found the problem!
Drupal Module "Media Internet Sources" must be enabled!
In my case was unflagged!

cindy's picture
Thu, 05/22/2014 - 23:23

Hi @swebmas,
You can change the time for objects on slider (text, image, video) by using the timeline only.

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