full slider in new template

marta.oliveira's picture
Wed, 03/30/2016 - 08:56
full slider in new template


made a clone of "MD Header Slider Full Height " and named it : Slider Full 1

Go to templates and create a new template

and add in the section my slider. why the name of slider appears? If i add other slider "MD Header Slider Full Heigh" the name of slider doesnt appears

Image title

create base page to that template. and mt front page is like this

Image title

why do I have the extra space between slider and mega-menu and why my slider is not full heigth?

what i'm doing wrong?



phuonght's picture
Thu, 03/31/2016 - 06:53


1 - To hide title of Slider: configure block Slider and set <none> in block title

Image title

2 - To display slider full height and width: in edit mode, config section containing slider, select "enable Fluid Section"

Image title

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