Menu problems on mobile

Agis's picture
Wed, 03/23/2016 - 09:35
Menu problems on mobile

Hi guys,

Our website's menu is not working properly on mobile. would you please advise?
Our website's address is

Thank you


phuonght's picture
Fri, 03/25/2016 - 05:27

Hi Agis,

Did you make any customization in file md-megamenu.css (sites\all\themes\md_avendor\css)? We think some CSS codes make your menu can not display correctly on mobile. Please check again or you can send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment, we would like to help you.

Agis's picture
Tue, 03/29/2016 - 06:03

Hi Phuonght,

Thank you for your email. I did some cosmetic changes in md-megamenu.css but nothing stractural, most of the changes are colour changes. However, I reinstalled the original md-megamenu.css and still have problem with menu not scrolling on mobile view.

At the moment I don't have FTP access, I only use cPanel and I am not allowed to share the login credentials. Sorry.

I have attached the original md-megamenu.css that came with the theme we purchased. Would you please have a look on it, perhaps it is an older version?

Thanks again,  look forward to hearing back from you.

cindy's picture
Tue, 03/29/2016 - 06:15


Please check your email

Agis's picture
Tue, 03/29/2016 - 07:06

Hi Cindy,

Thank you for your email. Should I update the whole module or just the md-megamenu.css file?



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