translated taxonomy doesnot work the URL alias

marta.oliveira's picture
Sat, 03/26/2016 - 13:26
translated taxonomy doesnot work the URL alias


have created in categories_portfolio taxonomy several terms

Image title

after save, i add the EN translation

Image title

but the URL of the translation is not the url alias

but the URL with id (

Image title

can you help me with the problem?



phuonght's picture
Mon, 03/28/2016 - 00:23

Hi Marta,

- i18n will clone each taxonomy to several node (depend on number of language).
- When site displays in a language, only translated path of this language version works and other languages will have type taxonomy/term/id.

So when you change site to your translated version, you can see path taxonomy displays right as it is translated.

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