After applying some cosmetic changes to the intro mage I got the message which follows:
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/virtual/kewin/drupal7-spdesign.biz/includes/entity.inc).
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in mdm_intro_image_block_content() (line 109 of /var/www/virtual/kewin/drupal7-spdesign.biz/sites/all/modules/custom/mdm_site/mdm_site.block.inc).
As a result I can't see this particurar intro at all, and I can not edit/ cunfigure the Image slider (I get the info that such slider doesn't exist).
p.s. I've already upadated the slider to 2.19 version if it helps anyhow.
Please help,
We need your site url and admin account to check this problem. Please send us
We cannot access your website. We see error: This site can’t be reached - server DNS address could not be found
Still cannot connect. Did you enable port 80?
Please download the attached files (check your email) and update insites/all/modules/custom/mdm_site
And please update images in block also
Hello Cindy,
Thank you for an update. The intro scrolling section appears right now properly!
Still, there is a problem when I want to edit or configure a MD slide, which is inside a view (for example "about") ...not in separate block (this one is editable and cofigurable all right).
What I get, while I try to configure a slider from view, is:
1. This slider not exist. Please try again! ...if I want to edit it.
2. Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in md_slider_configure_form() (line 90 of /var/www/virtual/kewin/drupal7-spdesign.biz/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/includes/md_slider.admin.inc).Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in
md_slider_configure_form() (line 90 of /var/www/virtual/kewin/drupal7-spdesign.biz/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/includes/md_slider.admin.inc). if I want to configure it.
Please advise on this one,
thank you
This problem is because of the Slider's contextual link in field
Please check your email
We send you an updated file
Hello Cindy,
No changes at all are made. The newly sent file is the same as the old one. Please do send the right one.
Thank you,
Please check your email
This updated version is the same as I use right now (you've sent it to me 10 days ago).
Do you have any other ideas?
There are 2 sliders like this. I have managed to change one which is in the views max about content (by editing the content). The second one which is in the block about tab four is impossible to be changed like this.
Afterall, both of them are impossible to be changed from the site level! Editing reffers to the slider named by letter ("s" or "g"), which doesn't exist. While I try to configure them I receive the info mentioned before.
Waiting for suggestions,
I am gasping for a solution on a "editing" or "configuring" the sliders. Every time I want to edit or configure the MD Slider (newly created or the old one) I get the following information:
Thank you,
Please check your email
We send you a file. Please update
Hello Cindy,
Thank you very much. Your've helped me for a while.
Thanks to your update I've been finally able to edit and configure the slider on Tab Four.
Unfortunatelly, somehow the wrong slider apperaed during the changes. As I was not abe to replace it, I deleted hoping to be able to upload the new one.
What I get right now is:
I have tried to exchange the image by editing the manage fields ...but did't succeed:
What am I suppoused to do right now?
And more question about Tab Four. I've replaced 3 of originally 4 tabs with clones of history tab. The slider was appearing on only 1 of them. How to make it visible on every single tab page? Is it possible to have separate slide for each tab??? (or if not slide just image???).
All of those fields lead to [filed_history_slider]. I was trying to locate this particular slider (or any other). Are they located anywhere???
I do see the light at the end of a tunnel.....
Thank you,
Could you send us your FTP account? We would like to have a check in your site.
My webmaster says that we do not have FTP access.
What he needs from you is public key SSH2 (RSA or DSA).
I assume that it rings a bell.
Waiting for reply of yours,
One more thing concernig all the sliders concernig things - translating, cloning and deletings things are not accesible right now (not visible).
Thank you,
Please check your email for the update