Cant Get into Account settings

ckuzelka's picture
Fri, 03/18/2016 - 17:09
Cant Get into Account settings

The theme has been working, even thought I know it is no longer supported or updated on Themeforrest.  I recently went to log in, and go to Theme settings and got a generic error 500 Page not working (in Chrome) or WSOD (in FF).... any idea what is going on there?  I need to make changes to the settings, and I cant get in at all!  

This is a client site, so I need to keep it running... so what do I do now?  I am currently running Drupal 7.43

ckuzelka's picture
Fri, 03/18/2016 - 17:23

I get this error when I turn on error reporting:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in /srv/bindings/0cd1c882b8cd49e78c581fbf6cb13c86/code/sites/all/themes/md_official/theme-settings.php on line 19 

cindy's picture
Sun, 03/20/2016 - 23:49


Thank you very much for your purchase

Please check your email. Download and install the module we sent you via email. If it does not solve your issue, please give us your site url, admin accound and FTP account. We will check your issue

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