
mattypants's picture
Mon, 03/14/2016 - 22:09

I'm having difficulty understanding what AweContent can do and can't do.

How can I take the 'Our Services' section from the homepage 2 page, and use it somewhere else on a different page? Do I use the 'Drupal' or the 'Objects' section in the AweContent sidebar?

Because everything is hidden in the AweContent module, I can't see the source or shortcodes of the different theme sections, so I can't just copy them. There must surely be some way to see behind the AweContent?

phuonght's picture
Mon, 03/14/2016 - 23:55



1. "How can I take the 'Our Services' section from the homepage 2 page, and use it somewhere else on a different page?"

In Awecontent, there is a function Save a section. 

Image title

After saving a section, please click menu "SECTION" on the left to open panel that contains all saved sections and you can use them in any page you would like. Please also take a look at documentation.

2. "Do I use the 'Drupal' or the 'Objects' section in the AweContent sidebar?"

Base on purpose, "Drupal": exiting blocks of Drupal. "Object": shortcode enclosed to theme.

3. "Because everything is hidden in the AweContent module, I can't see the source or shortcodes of the different theme sections, so I can't just copy them. There must surely be some way to see behind the AweContent?"

You can send us your site url and admin account by private comment so we can have a check.

mattypants's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 16:01

Thank you, I will send you a private msg.

khoa's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 20:28


Please check your email for the updated AWECONTENT module.


mattypants's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 21:14

Thank you. I have installed the new AweContent module. what is the purpose of the 'Disable AweContent' button when editing a page? When I click it, nothing happens. Is it possible to edit pages without AweContent?

khoa's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 21:49


When a page is built by Awecontent after that user want to cancel the Awecontent and bring that page back to the origin(Drupal default page). He/she just clicks on that button and all the settings of Awecontent will be dismissed.


mattypants's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 22:55

Oh, I see ok, thanks. Is there any way edit the theme content without using AweContent. I'd just like to see the source code or shortcodes without it being all completely behind the aweContent module?

khoa's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 23:14


1. Most of pages are built by using Awecontent. And in my opinion, I recommend you to use it to built custom page. It's very flexible. You can create a section with multi-columns just by drag and drop, no coding. Moreover, this module will help you save time in coding templates. If you have already bought some our themes such as Ethereal, SpringSpray, Orenmode... you will see there are so many template files in source code. So that's why we launched Awecontent module to help our customers archive their goals in the easiest and fastest way.

2. If you don't want to use Awecontent module you can delete all the pages that we have built before. However, you have to create the template file for each page that you create. And you need to have good knowledge in Drupal Theme or Module.

3. The shortcodes go along with Awecontent. Without Awecontent, they are useless. By the way, the shortcodes are located in sites\all\modules\custom\shortcodes. This is the place where stores all shortcodes for this theme.

Thank you! 

mattypants's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 23:51

Don't get me wrong--I like AweContent. It does seem easy--especially now that the editing icon works--and fast. I'd just wanted to see how much of the html/css I could customize and still use AweContent.  

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