webform field mandatory widh placeholder don't display allert message, only email field work widh placeholder:
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Could you check again? Empty required fields will display alert one by one but not all at the same time.
Hi, I checked, but does not work
So could you send us your site url and admin account by private comment? We would like to have a check in site.
please open file application.js in folder sites\all\themes\md_make\js, delete lines from 231 to 244.
It will fix placeholder for IE9, with higher version there is placeholder by default.
hi, i do it but don't work ....
It seems that you delete wrong lines while we need to delete below code:
ok .. Perfect .. Thanks