Form fields are hidden (modules: contact, entityform and webform)

Style9's picture
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 07:24
Form fields are hidden (modules: contact, entityform and webform)


A website I build for a customer encounters unexpected behavior on the forms.

Some of the visitors are not seeing the form fields when they have a placeholder. Now I want to strip out the placeholders, but I can't find where they are programmed. Although most of the visitors are seeing all form fields, they receive 1 or 2 complaints a day.
Is this problem known to you guys? I hope you can point me out where I can disable the code where you print in the placeholders in the Structure Theme and hopefully this will solve the problem.

The website is

Kind regards,

Michiel Middelhoven

khoa's picture
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 17:25


Please open\all\themes\md_structure\inc\front), go to line 150 and comment/remove the code

$element['#attributes']['placeholder'] = isset($element['#title']) ? $element['#title'] : '';


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