Header info and footer logo

hlindeque's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 02:56
Header info and footer logo

Good day and greetings to you,

I accidentally hit "reset settings" under admin/appearance/settings/md_structure and now the contact info in the gray bar above the header has disappeared. How do I get it back?

The logo in the footer "about-us" block has also disappeared and gives an error if I enable the block. I cant upload the logo because when I hit "Browse" under "Upload footer image" nothing happens.

Please help!

phuonght's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 03:45


About contact info in gray bar: please re-create, there is no way to get it back.

And problem with footer "about-us", please send us your site admin account by private comment, we would like to have a check. Note: please remember to back first.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 04:31

Please send us your source code and database to our developer's email: [email protected]. We checked your site but did not know why popup did not appear when clicking browser. We think that we need to take a look at your code. 

hlindeque's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 04:57

I have sent the complete site backup

phuonght's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 05:01

Only source and database of your website  please. Thank you.


Image title

and databse (.sql).

phuonght's picture
Mon, 06/27/2016 - 22:22


Please delete folder modules tin sites/all, copy folder modules in source downloaded from ThemeForest then clear drupal cache. Problem of button upload in theme settings will be fixed.

hlindeque's picture
Wed, 06/29/2016 - 00:42

Can you tell me Which modules specifically do I need to replace? I dont want to delete the entire folder as I have other modules installed as well

phuonght's picture
Wed, 06/29/2016 - 00:54

So please update modules in modules/contrib.

hlindeque's picture
Wed, 06/29/2016 - 02:59

That fixed the problem. Thank you very much

khoa's picture
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 01:15

Hi Nina.Kovacova,

Can you please give me your FTP account?


khoa's picture
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 23:25


I fixed your issue. Please check it.


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