menu not appearing + white vertical space when swiping to the left on smartphone portrait

DimitriO's picture
Wed, 01/27/2016 - 04:12
menu not appearing + white vertical space when swiping to the left on smartphone portrait


I have some issues with the smartphone view of my website:

  1. in portrait mode, I can swipe to the left and a white column appears. this does not appear in landscape mode

  2. in portrait mode, the menu doesn't show. This does not appear in landscape mode

  3. in the block 'welcome separator' the image is not resized properly. This seems to be an issue on all chrome browsers, also on desktop.

How can I solve this?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 01/27/2016 - 21:54


How about your admin account?

phuonght's picture
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 02:55

Check your site please. We just finished all works.

DimitriO's picture
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 02:59

great, thx!

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