Lost slider

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 11:09
Lost slider

I have lost the slider, and I don't know where to find it. It is a fairly new installation and I had not started to customized the slider and instead worked on other items. Now it is gone, and I don't know why. How do I get it back?

cindy's picture
Wed, 01/20/2016 - 22:06


- Please go to admin/structure/block
- Check region Slider has block view Features or not.

Image title

- If not, please check the disable blocks, then asign Block View Features into region slider.

Image title

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 11:05

Thank you, this was a bit hidden. I also found that you have to "Add Featured status" to content to include it.

I wonder if there is a manual fot Thenews, like some of the other themes have?

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