Changes on portfolio_space_footer_text view broke main menu

antoniodltm's picture
Mon, 05/23/2016 - 11:13
Changes on portfolio_space_footer_text view broke main menu



- I added new displays to Portfolio Space Footer Text (Content) View cloning the Display "3Collum". 

- If the number of item to show is lower than the number of "Pager options: Items to display", the main menu is broken.

- If the number of item to display is set to 0, the main menu is broken.

- If I change the Use pager option to Display All Items, the main menu is broken.

Could you check out this, please?


Image title

cindy's picture
Mon, 05/23/2016 - 23:48


We fixed your problem. Please check

The problem is because you copied the following code in file and directly paste in file

drupal_add_js("{$path_theme}/js/libs/view_load/views_infinite_scroll.js", array('type' => 'file', 'scope' => 'footer'));

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