
benchesters's picture
Thu, 08/04/2016 - 08:10

This theme is so difficult to work with, I have searched the DB for certain words as I cannot find them in the back end at all. Maybe it's me!

- the HELLO, LET ME TELL YOU A STORY and the image behind it - where are these in the back end? I see no reference in the mysql for them either, how do I change them? Also the video too, can't see that YouTube URL anywhere the MYSQL DB.

- The next bit, "It's Nice To Meet You" - where is this in the back end, I cannot find it anywhere?

I have wasted an hour already looking for these two without even moving down to the rest of the template yet

- why is the intro block empty - /admin/structure/block/manage/md_magnum_module/introduction/configure

I have configured lots of Drupal site and cannot understand how this has been built at all.

phuonght's picture
Sat, 08/06/2016 - 05:51


Please go to /admin/appearance/settings/md_magnum > tab "Design"

- in "Header", you can find where to change header background type that is displayed as a video with text "HELLO LET ME TELL YOU"

- in "Introduction", you can customize "Introduction" title, description and the button also. 

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