Changing the text at the top and bottom of the about page

chris.kettle's picture
Wed, 11/04/2015 - 11:01
Changing the text at the top and bottom of the about page

I cannot seem to figure out how to change the description text on the about page at the top under 'Who We Are', and also the text at the bottom, above contact. I have tried views, panels, content, blocks... aghh

I am also having trouble changing the text under portfolio on the home page, above the image gallery slider. "Portfolio - Cookie marshmallow brownie apple pie I love I love pie."

Have managed to change everything else. Love the theme by the way.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 11/04/2015 - 21:55


- Please take a look at following image:

Image title

- and about text at the bottom, above contact:

Image title

- Change text under portfolio:

Go to sites/all/themes/md_cleanse/template/views/portofolio, open file views-view--portofolio-home.tpl.php, you could change it there.

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