Replace Bigtream Menu with MD MegaMenu

qcutter's picture
Fri, 01/27/2017 - 11:10
Replace Bigtream Menu with MD MegaMenu

The way this theme is broken up it doesnt seem very easy to remove the default flat menu and replace it. I need to integrat the MD mega menu and Im comfortable with modifying the code. Can anyone tell me how to replace the current menu with either the MD Mega Menu or the TB Mega menu?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 02/01/2017 - 22:10


In theme default, we have region header to add block menu.
Also, in file sites / all / themes / md_bigstream / templates / page /, you can please uncomment line

<?php if (!empty($primary_nav)): ?>
<?php print render($primary_nav); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

to not render menu. 

qcutter's picture
Thu, 02/09/2017 - 12:44

Thank you. I was able to add the megamenu block there and adjust style.

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