node--portfolio.tpl.php (taxonomy errors)

Printking's picture
Thu, 06/19/2014 - 05:20
node--portfolio.tpl.php (taxonomy errors)

another error we hope we resolved in this tpl file:
to see this error in action you have to open an portfolio item and then choose a taxonomy term

we noticed on line 21 it gives (error = page not found)
$taxonomy_output .= ''.$value['taxonomy_term']->name.' ';

could this be??
$taxonomy_output .= ''.$value['taxonomy_term']->name.' ';

cindy's picture
Fri, 06/20/2014 - 06:25

We are working on this issue and will feedback you asap


Printking's picture
Fri, 06/20/2014 - 06:47

Great news, just to be sure (it does not look like the code I pasted is displayed correct)

I think you need a slash between taxonomy and term ('.../taxonomy/term/...) in place of an underscore

to view this open a portfolio item and click on a taxonomy term in this item (page cannot be found)

cindy's picture
Thu, 06/26/2014 - 05:09

We are working on all of your issue and we will feedback you via email as soon as possible


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