Question on object "Team" (basic page with "AWE content"

geflogenheiten's picture
Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:41
Question on object "Team" (basic page with "AWE content"


   created a section in with AWE content, and inserted object "Team".  It uses all the space of the custom column.

   Adding the a picture and assign image style "Team thumbnail".  Still uses the whole width of the screen/custom column.

Now when I resize the picture by dragging it smaller, it aligns left in the customn column.  

How can align the picture / the "team object" to center in the page ?  

It works when I'm using a "picture object", but not with the "team object". 

Appreciate any kind of guidance that helps me to go through the learning curve.




cindy's picture
Fri, 09/04/2015 - 23:04


Please send us some screenshots of the problem

Also, send us your site url, admin account so that we can check it (remember to check "private message" for security reason)

geflogenheiten's picture
Sun, 09/06/2015 - 04:21

Hi,  what I'm trying to achieve is to center a single team member picture that does not oversize.

Once I use the whole page width with team member picture and center it, it completely oversizes.

Using the a picture object, it keeps sizes and centers.

See screenhot (both pics have same size,  top picture is a team object, bottom is a picture object.

thanks for your help

screenshot teampicture/picture

phuonght's picture
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 06:12

Please send us your site information so we can check and fix problem for you.

geflogenheiten's picture
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 06:22

its a local dev install only at the moment, preparing go-live ...   

But I'm happy to check what you need,  just let me know

phuonght's picture
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 23:25

Please create a demo that have above problem so it is easier for us to check and fix error.

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