How do you change the background color???

persianninja's picture
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 13:50
How do you change the background color???

Everything has been working fine but can't seem to create a background color... uses the ugly default green...

Seems weird to have to create an image to create the background image...
I tried setting it via Background with no layers selected... but Background seems to only work for Text Layers and not 'no layers' to generally set the Background Color...

There should be a way to set the Background Color of the slide so people don't need to create an image specifically for this purpose...
or maybe I can create an empty Text field with that background color and make it cover the entire area...
Just tried that, works... but again seems like kind of a hacky/ghetto solution.

persianninja's picture
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 15:22

edit: my ghetto text fix doesn't work really... it only works on the 1st slide... then doesn't on the 2nd slide... then on the 3rd displays it higher than the text layer for some reason.

Any ideas on a good way to do this other than creating images for all the slides?

persianninja's picture
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 15:29

eh, i guess I can Photoshop and override the default green pic in the sites/default/files directory (md_slider_def_bg.jpg).
Doesn't seem like good long term solution though. The Green background does help see where all your stuff is while editing...
But you want to be able to swap in a white background when pushing the slider live.

cindy's picture
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 05:02

Our current version does not support to change the background color, only upload background image
Thanks for your feedback, we will consider to add this kind of feature in the next ver

webworksvt's picture
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 19:02

What is the current version?

cindy's picture
Sun, 04/20/2014 - 23:33

Our latest version is 2.9

rmd's picture
Mon, 05/05/2014 - 12:06

Hi Cindy,

Just fyi... I downloaded yesterday from Code Canyon and the .info file states that it is version 2.11....

"project status url =
version = "7.x-2.11"
core = "7.x"
project = "md_slider" "

maybe there is some confusion here as this version did not work for me... maybe I should be using the 2.9 version?

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