MD megamenu - reponsive question

ccweb's picture
Sun, 07/12/2015 - 02:55
MD megamenu - reponsive question

Hi, with new version 7.x-1.17 of md megamenu, it support mobile responsive. my question doea mobile responsive means for dropdown menu, it will be responsive in mobile device. how about when I create menu and choose "Enable mega menu for this item", will this megamenu be responsive in mobile device as well?

and also, when i visit your homepage, this menu working fine in mobile device, which i can visit each menu item in mobile device:

Image title

but when i visit mega menu demo page on my mobile -, when i choose "typography" or other menu item, from dropdown list, and it doesn't give me the page. could you please help me with this?

Image title

Thanks lots for your help!


phuonght's picture
Mon, 07/13/2015 - 06:50


About this problem, we will check and reply ASAP.

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