Conflict with MailChimp embedded form

citananda's picture
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 12:01
Conflict with MailChimp embedded form


I created a block including a MailChimp embedded form and added it on a page builded with MD Awecontent.

Now my page is brocken, and I got this javascript error :

Uncaught TypeError: i.init is not a function
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (js_-PGRGsKNHNNfItZKUBrpaMN3h1wI9repOTliXu0veQE.js:1058)
at Function.each (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:657)
at $.fn.init.each (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:266)
at $.fn.init.e.fn.select2 (js_-PGRGsKNHNNfItZKUBrpaMN3h1wI9repOTliXu0veQE.js:1058)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (js_-PGRGsKNHNNfItZKUBrpaMN3h1wI9repOTliXu0veQE.js:612)
at Function.each (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:657)
at $.fn.init.each (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:266)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (js_-PGRGsKNHNNfItZKUBrpaMN3h1wI9repOTliXu0veQE.js:611)
at fire (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:3048)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (js_BocpO7oV2V9m_et9Sfy-yRJG7oHvwVFyyZ9yKoQrDBM.js:3160)

Please help me

citananda's picture
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 08:16

You can see the problem on the front page of the website :

citananda's picture
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 08:31

I found that if I remove from my block the following line, it works

<div class="mc-field-group"><label for="mce-IAM">Je suis...</label> <select class="required" name="IAM"><option value=""></option><option value="Juste intéressé">Juste intéressé</option><option value="Pratiquant occasionnel">Pratiquant occasionnel</option><option value="Pratiquant régulier">Pratiquant régulier</option><option value="Professeur de yoga">Professeur de yoga</option><option value="Un studio de yoga">Un studio de yoga</option> </select></div>

So the problem comes from select object, and I can see in the console that the code is breacking here :

this.each(function() {
if (n.length === 0 || typeof n[0] === "object") {
r = n.length === 0 ? {} : e.extend({}, n[0]);
r.element = e(this);
if (r.element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "select") {
u = r.element.prop("multiple")
} else {
u = r.multiple || false;
if ("tags"in r) {
r.multiple = u = true
i = u ? new window.Select2["class"].multi : new window.Select2["class"].single;

The message error is Uncaught TypeError: i.init is not a function.

Please help beacause I need to use select object in my MailChimp form.

Many thanks beforehands

citananda's picture
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 10:48

Ok my problem is solved, the problem was that the module and librairie select2 where needed, and where not installed.

So I installed both and now it is working perfectly.

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