Error add node

jotnet's picture
Wed, 02/03/2016 - 08:29
Error add node


When I use minify JS I have:

ReferenceError: AWEContent is not defined

When disable 

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
jquery.js:123 The specified value "!" does not conform to the required format.  The format is "#rrggbb" where rr, gg, bb are two-digit hexadecimal numbers.
jquery.js:25 The specified value "!" does not conform to the required format.  The format is "#rrggbb" where rr, gg, bb are two-digit hexadecimal numbers.
backbone-min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: this.$ is not a function

When I use edit node, awecontent works but 

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of undefined

Can you send good version on codecanyon? 

cindy's picture
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 03:07


Please check your email

We send you the latest version already. Please update and clear cache

Your problem may be because of Cache issue (Min Js messed up file JS order)

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