We have a strange problem when editing slides.
He have a slide with and image and also a text. When we open slides to edit them, we se the text correctly writed and also the slide shows the text without problems in the site. But if we save or save&continue then we load the slider again and it shows strange characters. So saving again will write the slides with wrong characters. I give you an example:
The text showing correctly:
número fantástico
Text after loading again the slides for editing:
número fantástico
Can you help us with this?
I can give you access to a development drupal instance if you want to try it by yourself.
Please send us your site and log-in account via [email protected] so that we can check and fix your problem.
I found a solution to both issues.
Regarding the wrong characters, it's because in the line 62 of the file "templates/admin/them.admin.inc" there is a line saying
$value = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES);
in order to allow using UTF-8 encoding it should be replaced by
$value = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
The other issue about the shadows is that in the stylesheets css/md-slider-style.css the lines that provide styles for the shadows are considering that the text is always inside a
tag. But the truth is that text in slides are not between
tags by default.
I added the same style without p to each of the stylesheet lines for text shadows.
You will find
.text-white-shadow p {
I added a new line without p
.text-white-shadow p {
Hope you find it useful.
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thx david - we had the same issue with spec. characters, but worked it out.